Support Us
Would you like to support Hamilton Center Foundation in being a light in the community? You can help the Foundation support the work of Hamilton Center through donations, becoming a fundraiser, or being an advocate. There are many ways to offer your time, talent and treasure to the most vulnerable in our community.
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
– Edith Wharton
Make a Difference
Your donation to the Foundation will help Hamilton Center in the areas of:
Quality clinical services that are current, compassionate and effective.
Charity care to ensure mental health and addiction treatment is available to anyone in need.
Capital needs to provide the latest facilities, clinical materials/tools and technology to assist in providing the highest quality, state-of-the-art care.
Community outreach/education and prevention services such as Mental Health First Aid and prevention programs in the schools.
Ways to Give
Hamilton Center Foundation staff can assist you in choosing the method of giving that will be most meaningful and beneficial to you including:
Cash, check or credit card
Stock and securities
Real estate
Memorial gifts
Endowed name funds
Planned gifts, including bequests, trusts and retirement plans.